Algebracadabra - Math Shortcuts to Algebra Mastery

Probably the most important underlying field of mathematics is algebra. No matter what whatever tells you folks, if your kid is not good at algebra, there is no shot that he will excel in any of the higher branches. In fact, the famous calculus is indubitably a form of "glorified" algebra and this is what I used to tell my high school students all the time. Therefore, if you want your kids to have a opening to study and enter the beautifully intellectual realm of the calculus, then be sure that they have the tools to master algebra.

Algebra is that field of mathematics which deals with solving equations, using letters to describe unknown quantities. The difficulty with algebra is that for most students the many letters and symbols generate an abstraction that is hard to see straight through clearly. After all, when you see a bunch of x's and y's and other expressions piquant a host of mathematical symbols, your footing can swiftly be lost and your head could start reeling off track. To ward off this experience, which I call the "algebra syndrome," students must be taught algebra in a way that removes any unnecessary abstraction and paves a clear-cut road straight through the mist of confusion.

Solve A Fraction Problem

If students are shown ways to deal with the distinct abstractions in algebra, then they learn swiftly to adjust for them and are not intimidated when they encounter an expression or qoute that they have never seen before. By studying some tricks or short-cuts, students gain belief and are best prepared to take on the challenges that algebra will invariably present. In one of my ebooks, I talk about some novel ways of handling and solving equations using the "light switch property." another shortcut I teach to solve equations is called the "bridge-toll method." By giving meaningful names to abstract methods, the educator lets students visualize the course and think about it in a way that makes it more concrete. After much of the abstraction is removed, students gain algebra mastery in a short span of time.

See more at Cool Math Tricks and Algebra Shortcuts Ebook

Algebracadabra - Math Shortcuts to Algebra Mastery

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